quick facts about me
I went to college studying pre-med, securing a degree in nutrition. Helping people make healthy choices for the mind and body has always been a passion for me. Imagine my surprise when a different ideas were laid on my heart. Picking up a camera, I began to use it as a tool to create meaningful connections with those I photographed and freeze their most treasured memories in time. On any personality test, my strengths always have to do with my ability to create relationships and help people see the best in themselves. Photography has simply been a means to let that part of who I am shine.
Photography is something I love. And while always true, what I have found I love more is the people I get to know along the way.
01) Kaden and I have been married for over 4 years and I can't ever get enough of the man.
02) I've lived in seven states! Being from all over means I connect with many because my experiences have been many.
03) Ever seen the show American Ninja Warrior?! Well if you are a big fan like me, keep your eyes out for my run because I am on Season 14! If I'm not at a session, I am probably getting down to monkey business at the ninja gym.
04) My favorite thing in the world is being greeted home by my dog Odin, toy in mouth, and tail-waggin’. As I always say, "Work hard, play with your puppy harder".
05) Kaden and I met in college at church and quickly put together we were in the same chemistry class. And because I was feeling the chemistry (wink), I asked Kaden to be my tutor. You can say I was hot for teacher…